Host a First Aid Course

Host a First Aid Course


Are you looking to host or organize a Group First Aid Training session for your workplace, gym, sporting club, school or organization ?

All you need to do is supply a suitable venue and the staff members or clients, and First Aid Oz will do the rest.

As an added bonus, we’ll come to you to conduct the course, and schedule it when it suits your workplace. This saves your staff the time, cost and inconvenience of having travel.

So you don’t need to run around looking for a First Aid course that is close by or at a time when you get attend.

In the event where some of your staff members require the full First Aid Qualification, whilst others only need to do a CPR Refresher, we’ll include them in the same session, with slightly different assessment tasks for each group.

As a bonus, being a First Aid Oz Nationally Recognized First Aid course host can be a financially rewarding and convenient exercise.

As a bonus, we provide same day certification for all persons in your group who have successfully complete the First Aid training and assessment.

A typical host gets 20% of the total revenue, and as a host, (subject to a minimum of 10 attendees). Additionally, we’ll supply your own course FREE of charge.

Smaller First Aid groups may be accommodated, without rebates, depending on location.

Alternatively, you may wish to pass these benefits onto your staff or members, in the form of a reduced Group rate.

Contact us below to Host a First aid course or CPR Refresher– anywhere in Australia* (subject to minimum numbers)

For all those persons enrolled in a full First Aid course (HLTAID011 or HLTAID012), we offer a FREE CPR course (HLTAID009)

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Purchase First Aid posters for your office, classroom, business on to use as learning resources.